Budo Life Dojo Team

As the world quieted down earlier this year and we all stayed home, we noticed a need for structure and some kind of normalcy.  From this need Budo Life was born.  During this time of uncertainty the structure of our program helps to promote normalcy and to teach the importance of discipline.

In the beautiful grounds of Camp Alvernia in Centerport, we have ample space to hold socially distanced Fusion Fitness and Karate classes.  

Budo is a Japanese term, it means “Martial Way” or “Warrior Way”.  Budo refers to those martial disciplines whose ultimate goal is spiritual, ethical, and/or moral self-improvement.  At Budo Life, we live it every day.  We learn from successes as well as failures.  Budo Life is a place where you and your family will find your inner warrior through Martial Arts or Fusion Fitness. 

At Budo Life  we teach our students to focus their minds in conjunction with their bodies to achieve their goals. Not only in the dojo but outside our program as well. Our students come away with a sense of pride and achievement not found in other organized activities. Our program is designed in such a way that beginners can start any time and our schedule of classes is set up so your child will have adequate time to complete any schoolwork they might have.

Our mission at Budo Life  Martial Arts and Fitness is to create a positive environment for our students and clients to become the best versions of themselves through the study of traditional karate-dō and fusion fitness. We believe in the value of martial arts training — not just as a method of self-defense or as a sport, but as a way of life.

One of our priorities at Budo life Martial Arts and Fitness is to teach students that dedicating themselves to change and the betterment of themselves through martial arts and functional fitness conditioning. We truly believe that by instilling tradition, family values, life skills and culture, that we can provide life stepping stones to get them through tough challenges. We set our standards by reinforcing positive change through training their mindset to grow and rise as a team. We pride ourselves in teaching Shotokan Karate, a Japanese martial art, and creating a purpose to develop young martial artists that will carry on these skills the rest of their lives.

We look forward to training and growing alongside you.

We pride ourselves in developing young martial artists and athletes that will carry on these skills for the rest of their lives.

105 Prospect Rd. Centerport NY 11721
[email protected]